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For longer-lasting freshness, powerful promotions, and perfect portion control, RE:CLOSE TAPE brings a fresh approach to your packaging

Change the tape, not the pack

Simple to apply on new or existing lines, RE:CLOSE TAPE allows your product to remain in its own pack, delivering product freshness and maintaining a branded presence in consumers’ homes after the product has been bought and opened.

Why choose RE:CLOSE?

Change the tape, not the pack – use our print capabilities to deliver your message

Adhesive designed to stick securely again and again and again

Perfection portion control with product remaining in the branded packaging

Easy to lift with large integrated finger-lift

Simply applied to new or existing lines

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How can I deliver high-impact promotions on my packaging?

RE:CLOSE TAPE is a high impact promotional carrier and reclosure device facilitated by Filtrona Tapes’ world-class printing capability. Using our print and design know-how we can deliver eye-catching results to ensure your message or promotion stays fresh in the consumer’s mind.

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Does this limit the functionality of my packaging?

RE:CLOSE is simple and intuitive to open – with a finger lift along the tape – and easy to RE:CLOSE, with an adhesive designed to stick securely again and again.

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What about waste reduction?

Unlike labels, RE:CLOSE is a linerless solution that eliminates waste on application. Delivering promotional messages on the tape, rather than the product packaging itself, RE:CLOSE removes the need for costly and wasteful pack design changes.

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Need a lighter touch?

Talk to us about Re:Close Lite in our ECO Range, or download our product sheet to learn more about RE:CLOSE

We are ready and waiting to help you to open up the future of your packaging!